A rocky caves has become center of pleasure for the village of Maraigushu in Kenya.The cave have be so busy,since hunter of treasure stone moving in and out within the cave in searching of pleasure stones like mercury,gold diamond and other precious metals which was believe that some white men hind in cave.This rumors have.
Resident say some treasure hunter was arrested and detail police two month ago for trying to dig the cave. The police sealed the entrance to the cave
Edward Maina, a local resident says some month early, some strange people came to the village to excavate the cave and they said that in the 1800,a white men left some treasure inside the cave and close it off.
There are worry that the digging of the cave will contaminate the natural spring coming out from the cave as many people in the village depend largely on the spring.There is nothing . We have seen our selves there is nothing in the those cave, they are searching for the first time.It is natural. Its the water table that they are interfering.Excitement about the cave has gotten their attention of regional leader,politician and government in the village town.
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